Page 2
Flood fill inside the selected area.
Click on layer 3 then
Add a layer (5) so it is at the top.
I deleted the layer 3.
I made a long white line of color on layer 5
and softened it. This looks better.
Layers, Merge, merge visible
Save as a PSP file.
This is your first gem!
UNDO once.
Delete layer 4. (The color filled layer)
Layers, Merge, Merge visible.
You should have an image like this.
With the 'marching ants' around it.
Save this as a .PSP file.
Use it as a template
to make more gems.
Add a layer.
click, hold, drag it to
move it to the bottom.
X out, to hide,
all layers except
the bottom layer.
click on the bottom layer
to make it active (blue)
Flood fill with any color.
Selections, Modify, Expand
5 pixels
Image, Plug-in filters, Blade Pro.
This is to make the base.
Use these setting and the basic gold pre-set.
Standard with Blade Pro.
With the base, (bottom layer)
The gem looks like this.
Add a layer,
above the gold base bottom layer.
This is for your color.
See how it is set up?
Top is the 'glass frame'
Middle is the color,
Bottom is the base.
All you need do is
add a pattern or color
to the middle layer,
merge and save!