Gold Lace
using Blade Pro's Twist Filter
It will work for 15 days.


To make a moon shape.
Open a New Image, transparent background 400x400
Click on Preset Shapes, Ellipse, set as shown.

Make an oval, add a layer,
change color, add another oval.

Move the top oval to make the bottom oval
the shape of a moon.

Use the magic wand and click on the top oval to select it.
On the layer palette, click on layer 1 to make it active (Blue)
Cut the selected area away from layer1.
You won't see it yet.

Right click on Layer 2.  Select DELETE   
(not Duplicate)

This is how your moon should look.
Select the moon with the Magic Wand.
Flood fill with a light brown color. Like above.
white gives a silver look, brown a gold, black an onyx.
Try all kinds of colors. See what you come up with.

Images/ Plug in filters/
Flaming Pear/ Twist

This is the setting I used.
To see different settings, click on the dice.

Now you have this.

Add a layer. Drag the layer to the bottom of the Layer Palette.

Like this

Selections/ Modify/Expand

5 pixels

Flood fill with a color.
 I used white here then Blade Pro's Shiny Gold preset.

Here I filled the bottom layer with a light yellow
then Beveled it with eye candy. And added a shadow.

Here a heart shape, filled with red,
twisted, then the bottom layer shiny gold from blade pro.

Here the moon is blue filled and the base is blue.
Same with the stars but in yellow.


I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.

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