
Using black and white graphics and colorizing them
give very dramatic effects.

This was a color graphic. 
Download it here.

I made it grayscale. Colors, grayscale.
Colors Increase color depth to 16 mil colors.

Add a layer.
I wanted her nails, cheeks and mouth to have color.
Click on the paint brush, the brush size I used is 3.
Paint the nails.

Add a layer.
Zoom in on the mouth.
Paint the mouth.

Slide the opacity bar down till you get the
 effect you want on layer two.


Add a layer.
Add pink color to the cheeks.

Move the bar down to about 28.
Use the smudge tool, shown, set on soften,
to smooth the cheek color.


I used the clone tool to remove her bow.

Selections, modify, contract 20 pixels.
You number of pixels may vary with your graphic.
Invert the selection.

Flood fill with a color. I used eyecandy to give it a bevel.
And a shadow on the inside of the frame.

This is the finished graphic.

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